tmb meaning text
There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu the correct meaning of TMB in Urdu is مجھے واپس ایس ایم ایس یا پیغام کرو and in roman we write it Text Me Back. If you want to avoid a phone call and make sure someone hits you up with a text when you need them to just tell them to TMB. Tmb Documentation Introduction Traffic Management Bureau China TMB. . Touch My Body song TMB. We utter them and we use them in our text messages. Explore this page to find out more Slang Words and Slang Meanings. Here are a few conversation starters for kids to help you teach them healthy tech habits. Let me know what you think about the recipe. For your kind information. Tag Me Back Nexopia TMB. TLDR How did SMS Abbreviations Emerge. IDGAF means Text me back or less commonly Text me btch For example a kid might say Why are you ghosting me rn. If you get a symbol like it just means the person is crying....